Thursday, June 4, 2009

sad chap 6

Chapter Six

The days sped by for Ella, soon, her first week of work was done and she had gotten her very first paycheck. She gave it all, except the much needed ten dollars, to her parents.

"You're a Fairway fan, eh?" asked her boss, handing Ella the latest Justin Fairway cd.

"Oh yes!" said Ella, looking hungrily at the album cover "His biggest fan!"

"Yeah." agreed her boss "You really can't help but love the guy." She smiled at Ella. "Even I, a forty year old mother of three kids would do anything to go to one of his concerts! And just the other day an eighty year old lady came in asking for this very cd. She said, 'He's a good kid, and his songs have a nice beat.' Funny huh? But all very true!"

Ella grinned. "Just about everyone in America is a Fairway fan." she took her purse off the counter, "Well thanks for the album and see you on Monday!"

"You're very welcome. Enjoy your weekend! And, of course enjoy your cd, but I'm sure you will."

Ella played during the car ride home. It was probably his best yet. It was as if he was singing just for her, and not every other person in the whole United States. And the songs were the kind that you would sing to yourself over and over again, the kind of songs that can turn a very bad day, into a very good one.

Life ain't easy, no one said it was,
Cause's life has many burdens,
Yet, it has a lot of loves...

Ella couldn't help but smile. He worked magic with words.


The days raced by quickly for both Justin and Ella. While Ella spent her days working and struggling to help her family, Justin kept on performing. One week Alabama, next Kansas, then Washington, then North Carolina, then California. Everywhere he went he played for a full house, and, was adored by fans of all ages. It seemed that as the summer wore on, he only get better and better.

Ella was still the only source of income for her family, and she tried to fit in as many hours as possible. Julianna had long ago left for rural Ohio, and Ella wouldn't hear from her for weeks, since Julianna wasn't going to be able to email. (Her cousins and grandparents didn't use computers). From every paycheck Ella got she saved out just a few dollars, and put them in a old tin under her bed. She was saving up to, hopefully, get a ticket to Justin Fairway's coming home concert. Maybe. Just maybe. She would be able to get one.

As Ella's family hung on during the hot summer days, Justin became even more popular then ever before.


Justin woke up just before noon. The concert the night before had been wild, going on into the wee hours of the night with thousands of screaming fans from all over California. He got up, and turned on his laptop. It was then that it struck him that was leaving for New Hampshire tomorrow. He breathed a sigh of relief. New Hampshire. To once again to be among places and faces he knew. There was so much that he missed.

It was going to be a long flight from San Diego to Manchester, but it was going to be totally worth it.


Ella closed her eyes and fingered the stack of bills. One hundred dollars. That was just enough money for a ticket, not the best seats, in fact, they were the worst you could get, but, just the same she was going to really go to a Justin Fairway concert.

Ella couldn't believe it. "I'm going." she whispered to herself "I'm really going! I'm going to go see Justin live. I really am!" It was a dream come true. She stared at the handful of bills, and just giggled, before racing down the hall way, she stacked up the bills and shoved them in her pocket, she wanted to show her Mother. She left her room and darted into her parents' bedroom, but it was empty.

Ella trotted down the stairs and was about to race into the living room, when she heard her Mother's strained voice. "I'm sorry, sir." she said "But we just don't have the money."

"Well, ma'am" came a gruff man's voice, "I'll just have to turn off your phone service then."

Ella chocked. It was the phone company, they must be wanting their payments which her parents had no money for. Ella gulped and slid her hand into her jeans and fingered the bills. She bit her lip and closed her eyes. Justin Fairway....

"Wait, Sir!" Ella yelled, running into the doorway, "Sir, how much do you need?"

"A hundred bucks."


Matt slapped Justin on the back and took a few of his little brother's bags. "Hey there! Mr. Big Shot now, huh?"

Justin laughed. "Man, it's good to be back! It feels like a million years since I was last here!"

"Think you can handle small town living again?" asked Matt

"Do I think? Gee, that's one of the reasons I came back! I need to spend a few weeks back on the farm with you and Mom and Dad. I need to free again. To not live from a hotel for awhile, trust me, you don't know how hard that is."

"Well then, lets hurry, little dude. The cows are waiting for us back home, and you know how Dad is about us being late."


Ella scowled as she marched up and down the floor of her room. It was raining, and it fit her mood. Ella didn't know what to call what she was feeling, but whatever it was, it wasn't a good feeling. It was like a wild mix of anger and envy and sadness. But what else could she have done? There was no time for her to save up for another ticket, the concert was in just three days, and a hundred dollars wouldn't just appear in that time.

That night, Ella cried herself to sleep. When she closed her eyes she could imagine Justin's show. His special home-coming concert.

Ella had always tried to stay on the bright side, but, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find the bright side of all this. Except, of course, they could still use the telephone.


Anonymous said...

Even though Ella is so sad, I'm glad she did the right thing! :) Excellent story so far! <3

M.C. said...

I'm proud of Ella for sacrificing her Justin Fairway ticket! Man, does that take a lot of stuff! And she's the got the stuff! lol