Friday, March 27, 2009

Chaptet 2!

Sorry I wasn't able to post chapter 2 earlier. But I can now!

Chapter 2: A New Friend

The next morning, Cassie awoke to someone pulling her out of bed. "Git' up! Now! Git to work now or it's whippin'! Get to work now, you little twirt!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming..." she said, rubbing her eyes. She was use to them being that mean to her.

During the night, Cassie's mother had moved to another spot to sleep so they would not hurt her in the morning.

Cassie thought she should soon wake her, but, then she thought: Well, she's pregnant and she needs all the rest she can get. But, I doubt she will for long; they'll make her any moment.

The first job of the day was to bring Generel Vicingson, the manager, his beakfast.

Cassie just gazed at the food she brought him, her mouth watering.

When she came back, she got to eat her own breakfast, mush. Her mother was there, hvaing it all ready for her.

"Thank you." she said.

"Oh, nothing it is!" and they began to eat the solid mush.

The next job of the day was the cleaning. Cassie went inside Generel Vicingson's huge fancy white house.

She swept the floor, dusted the shelves, waxed his tea kettle and tea cups, scrubbed the window, and the dirdiest job of all...dusting in the attic. It was full of dust and cobwebs all over the place! But Cassie had tio do it every 4 days.

When all the cleaning was done, she went back to her mother.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Not too good, but thank you." she answered, gardening. That was her job.

"Here, let me help you." said Cassie, starting to pull weeds out of the ground.

"Oh, honey! You're so sweet! Thank you so much!"

"It's nothing at all compared to what you suffer." Then her mother couldn't say anything. When they were done gardening, it was time for dinner. They basicially had nothing to eat. But just then, a girl came walking toward them.

"Hello." she said, "I brought you some food. I know you must be hungry." The girl handed them two rolls and scraps of meat. They both could not believe their eyes.

"Thank you ever so much! You are only too kind! What is your name?" her mother exclaimed, taking the food.

"You are only too welcome. My nmae is Stella. You?" she replied, watching them gobble down the food she gave them.

"I am so sorry. I have not said anything. My name is Cassie. And this here is my mother."

"I see. It's fine. I know how hungry you are." Stella smiled.

"Are you a slave too?" she then asked.

"Oh, no. It's just that sometimes my mother lets me go here and help the slaves."

"Oh, how nice! Um, Stella?"


"Could I please talk to you alone a minute?"

"Sure." and the two girls walked away together.

"Do you suppose you have any medical that could help my mom have the baby?"

"Yes! Indeed I do! Your mother's having a baby?"

"Yes! We need all the help we can get!" cried Cassie, she was so happy. "But, make it a surprise for moter. You can bring us some, right?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Excellent!" Cassie so hoped the medical would work and no one noticed Stella helping them.

Now Cassie knew that they were friends.

"Cassie! Come! It's suppertime break!" Cassie's mother called.

"Coming!" Cassie called, running toward her mother.

1 comment:

M.C. said...

Oooh, I <3 Stella!!!!!!!