Thursday, May 28, 2009

Here's more of my new story! :)

Chapter 2

Next morning, Clare was the first to wake up, eager to wake everyone else. It was 7:00. School would start at 8:00. We better hurry, she thought. Then she hopped off her bunk and shook Elizabeth and Mary, hoping to wake them up. "Come on sleep heads. We're gonna be late for school," she exclaimed.

"Okay, okay," they said. Mary jumped out of bed. Elizabeth rubbed her eyes, yawning. Then she got out of bed, too, stretching.

After they got dressed, wasked their faces and brushed their teeth, they rushed down-stairs, wheere Mother had pancakes ready for them.

"Good morning, girls. Eat up. I'm gonna drive yout to school soon," Mother greeted them, slapping pancakes on their plates.

"Thanks, Mom. Okay," they replied, eating their pancakes after grace.

Soon, it was 7:45 and Mother drove them to school.

Elizabeth was in 3rd grade, Mary was in 5th, and Clare was in 7th. They went to Holy Family Academy School. Clare took Algebra, Language, Latin, Religion, Histoy, and Science. Her favorite sybject in school was Science. She found it very fun and enteresting. Mary took Arithmetic, Language, Science, Religion, History, and Art. Her favorite subjecgt was Art. She found it very amusing. Elizabeth took Writing, Spelling, Language, Arithmetic, Science, History and Religion. Her favorite was spelling because it was her easiest subject.

Their teacher was named Miss Karrington. She had blonde hair and always had it up. Elizabeth always thought she was very pretty.

"Good morning, Class," Miss Karrington said, smiling.

"Good Morning, Miss Karrington," the whole class said together at once.

"Now you will all study Literature. I will give you all a different book. You will study 6 pages." Just then, a very small girl raised her hand, shyly.

"Yes, Anne," said Miss Karrington.

"I-I don't know how to read." Before Miss Karrington could say anything, Elizabeth raised her hand.

"...Uhh...yes, Elisabeth..." the teacher said, unsure to hear Elizabeth or to answer Anne.

"Excuse me for intterupting. But how about I read to Anne and we can study with the same book?" Elizabeth suggested, smiling brightly.

"Well, I suppose that would be a good idea. Thank you, Elizabeth. You're very nice to offer. Let me take your book; Anne can share hers with you and you can also share seats." Elizabeth gave her literature book to Miss Karrington and then sat with Anne.

Elizabeth whispered to Anne, "What's your name? Mine's Elizabeth. Although everyone calls me Lizzie. It'd be great if you did too."

" name is Anne."

"That's a very nice name. You don't have to be shy. All the kids in the class and Miss Karrington iks really nice."


"Class, I'd like you to start studying please," said Miss Karrington. Then everyone started to study including Elizabeth and Anne. Soon they became great friends.

At lunchtime, (noon) when the bell rang, Anne and Elizabeth ate together outside. Miss Karrington let everyone have lunch outside that day because it was so beautiful and warm out and they should get some fresh air. The children loved it when the teacher said they could do that.

"Thank you for reading to me in class today," said Anne. ""Maybe you can teach me to read sometime."

"You're welocme," replied Elizabeth, munching on a carrot. "I had fun too. Yeah, maybe I can teach you...but I don't think that's my job. Miss Karrington will teach you."

"Oh," Anne said, sadly, disappointed.

"But she's very nice. She taught me in 2nd grade too. My favorite subject was reading for 3 whole years."

"Wow. Well, then, I guess it doesn't matter who teachers me."

"That's it," Elizabeth smiled, putting an arm around Anne's back.

"How much more time do we have of a lunch break?" Anne asked.

"Well, we always have 30 minutes. I'm not sure how much more time we have."

"We just got here so probably about the same."

"Yeah. You're really smart for your age. I can sort of tell you'll be good at Math."

"Thank you."

"I'm done with my lunch. Do you want to play a game after you're done?"

"We can play now. I'm full."

"Okay," said Elizabeth happily. "What do you want to play?"


"Sure, that sounds great! I love playing that. Do you mind if I ask other girls to play it with us?


"That's okay, I don't have to," Elizabeth reasured her. "...Look, here's the hop scotch place. Everyone calls it that because there's a lot of it here."


"You know how to play, right?"

"Oh, yes, of course," laughed Elizabeth. "Who doesn't?"

"Yeah..." she said, hopping across the numbers in the boxes.

"Wow, you're good," Elizabeth complimented.

"Thanks," she said, finishing. "Your turn now."

"Okay." They took turns back and forth until they decided they should give someone else a turn now. Then they talked a bit but soon the bell rang and they had to get back to school.

Everyone came piling back into the building.

"All right, class, settle down now. You will now do Arithmetic from page 103 to page 107."

"Yes, Miss Karrington," the class replied. Anne was able to do Arithmetic alone so Anne and Elizabeth were parted now.

After 3 hours, the day of school was over and everyone left. And Elizaabeth was very happy she had made friends with Anne.


Kateri said...

Great job, Emily! Poor Anne, she seems so shy! I hope she learns how to read. :)

M.C. said...

I read this in your notebook! It's so cool. :D <3