Sunday, May 31, 2009

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Justin Fairway had been born in the Northern farmland of New Hampshire. He had been a usual kid before he had gotten famous, and really, superstar or not, he was still a usual kid. He had worked and lived with his parents, and older brother, Matt, on their small farm.

Their days were busy with school and chores. There was little spare time, but what little Justin and Matt had, they did what all the boys did.

In the summer there was basketball and fishing and water skiing and skate boarding. In the fall they went hunting, played football and basketball, and had fun at the county fairs. Winter was for sledding and skiing and basketball indoors at the school gym. Spring was a mix of all the other seasons activities, depending on what the weather was like.

Life would have continued this way if Matt had not been the usual annoying big brother.

The county was holding a talent show. And Matt signed Justin up to play his guitar and sing, without telling Justin until after the registration form was sent. Justin could play the guitar very well, and could pick up any song he wanted to on it, but he had never tried singing before.


Ella was from New Hampshire too, only, not from the country. She was a city girl, or really, a suburbs girl, since her family technically lived in the suburbs. All her life had been spent in the small blue painted house, with the tiny back lawn shaded by the two tall oak trees. Ella had always longed to get away into the country, even though she found the city handy, she did not love the crowds and noise. Sometimes she just wanted to be completely alone, without a single person near and not a single noise. Oh what that must do to a person's imagination!

Ella was very popular. Wherever she was, people gathered. Ella was not full of herself, nor did she always like being the center of attention, but in some ways it was very enjoyable. She had a huge circle of friends, of all ages, but her best friend, was really a girl her age, Julianna Roberts. Ella and Julianna had been close friends ever since pre-school, and had no intention of ever parting. Julianna was really more like another sister to Ella, since they were so close and lived less then a black from each other. They shared many of the same interests, and disagreed on almost nothing.


"I can't sing!" demanded Justin angerly, when Matt confessed what he had done "You'll just have to tell them I can't do it."

Matt doubled over laughing. "Sorry, little brother, but you can't back out now, the form is already sent in!"

"You know, that's just not funny."

"Then why am I laughing?" asked Matt, with that typical evil big brother grin.

"I'm telling Mom." said Justin glaring "Then you'll catch it."

"Go ahead." said Matt with a wave "I think she might just find it all very amusing."

Their Mother was a typical, no nonsense, farmer's wife. But she seemed to smile and almost laugh when Justin told her the story. "Well, Justin," she said, as if trying to hold back laughter "It looks like you have no choice. The county is expecting you to sing, and by golly, you're going to sing for them. I really don't see what you're all upset about, you know you can play anything on that guitar of yours, and I'm sure you can sing just as well. You've got over a month to practice."

Justin scowled at Matt, who's smile was saying, "I told you so!"

Their Mother's gaze turned to Matt. "You, Matthew Aaron Fairway played a mean trick on your brother. So you're to help him with his practice in every way possible, because it was you that got him in the mess." She laughed, as she returned to scrubbing out the chicken's water trough, "Oh you boys do crack me up! Just wait till your Father hears about this!"

That evening Justin spent the evening listening to his ipod, trying to pick a song to sing. He settled on "You Had A Bad Day", because he figured he'd have just that.


Ella and Julianna were alone in Ella's bedroom. Maria was away for the evening, having a sleepover at a friend's house, so Ella had invited Julianna over for the night.

"So, what's up with you?" asked Ella, leaning back on the pile of pillows.

"Nothing too much, we'll be leaving for Ohio pretty soon though. You know, staying with my cousins like be do every summer for weeks."

She pulled her knot of hair loose, letting her long light blond hair tumble down around her shoulders. Ella thought Julianna was the prettiest girl in the world. She had gentle kind of beauty, so small and light, like a fairy. With her almost white hair and clear blue eyes. Ella was just the opposite, even though, she too was rather short, she had wavy midnight black hair, and deep dark eyes.

"So, what'll you do way over there in Ohio?" asked Ella, wishing Julianna could stay all summer instead. What she do without her?

"Oh, water skiing, hiking, we'll go site seeing too I'm sure where though, and, oh my goodness! Did I tell you what my aunt bought me and my cousin?"

"No! What?" asked Ella, looking excited.

"Well, you're not going to believe me, but, she got me and my cousin Justin Fairway tickets! He's going to be performing in Ohio one of weeks we're there, and I'm going!"

Ella at once became very wide awake. "No way." she gasped.

"Uh huh. I ain't lying, Ella. I can't believe I didn't tell this earlier!"

"You lucky..." Ella couldn't finish. "I wish I could come!" Ella was happy for her friend, but a little envious.

"I wish you could too! You totally deserve to go, Justin'sbigestfanevr!"

Ella laughed. That was her screen name at most online places. "Yeah, someday, once we get moving on a real life again, once my Dad gets a job again, I'll go." She said, smiling "You'll have to take lots of pictures! And, Julianna, could you try to get his autograph for me?"

"Of course! I'll bring you home something for sure."

Ella grinned, and was quite for a minute. "I still can't get over that you're really going to go see him live and in person! He's the most popular artist in America."

"And the cutest." Replied Julianna, pointing up at the poster of Justin Fairway, Ella had pinned to the wall. It was a very high quality one, and had a printed autograph and message from Justin on it. "Justin Fairway: keep going strong." Even though it had been printed and not really written by him, it was still cool, and was worth quite a bit. The only reason Ella had it was because she entered a raffle for the poster and had been lucky enough to win.

Ella took a long look at the poster. He was very handsome. He had dark looks and a flashing smile, and after all those years of working on his parents' farm, he was very muscular. Ella had secretly had a crush on him for years, and only Julianna and Maria knew.

"Yeah." giggled Ella "I know!" She threw Julianna a smile. "You know, it's probably good I can't go, I might very well die from excitement getting to see him in person!"

"You goose!" Laughed, Julianna.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love this story soooooooooooo much, Kateri! So good! I love it how you descrive everything! Hey, do you know that I have an Uncle Justin?

M.C. said...

Typical teen girls! Giggling, having fun, really best friends. You really show how much fun it is to be a girl! lol

Kateri said...

Ok, I'll post ASAP.