Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chap 3!

Chapter 3: Getting Ready For Christmas

It was soon to be Christmastime. Everyone was so excited. Thought they didn't have much of Christmas decorations. Laura, Sarah, and Caroline just hung branches along the halls with help from mother.

Tom had kept on continueally chopping down firewood and bringing it in to the fireplace with help from father.

They did not have a fancy Advent wreth, but a sensable one.

Everyone was also so excited about the baby. Tom, oh, so much hoped that it would be a boy, but deep down inside he knew it was going to be a girl.

Martha and Lottie danced around the house with excitment, and sometimes Caroline and Elsa joined them.

Tom was now too overwhelmed with all the girls in the house, not one boy to play with. He deeply realised how inportant a brother was. And her mother even felt very sorry for him.

While mother was baking hot cakes for breakfast, Martha cried with ahppiness and excitement, "Oh, I can't wait till Christmas! How many days till then?"

Mother laughed and answered, "5, honey, 5."

"Oh, I hoped it would be tomorrow!" Mother just laughed again.

"And I also hoped that the baby would be born tomorrow." Martha added.

"I'm glad you hope so dear." said mother with a smile. Then Martha ran off to play again. Mother, then, couldn't help but to burst into laughter again. How sweet my little Martha is, she thought.