Monday, November 10, 2008

Chapter Eight

I haven't posted in a long time, sorry. Here is finally More of "The Davis Family"!

Chapter Eight: Rosie Gets Hurt

That day, the children went into the woods. This time, Rosie came because she really wanted to, and if they said no she would cry.

When they finally said yes to her she said in her little baby voice, “Yay! Yahoo!” sighing, they started off into the woods. They ran among the pretty autumn leaves, then took a long staff and started to clear away some leaves that were in the way.

“I want a fort!” cried Rosie.

“Okay, I’ll try to find one for you.” said Sarah. And Rosie followed her.

“Right here.” Sarah said, pointing to a large grey rock.

“That looks really good.” laughed Rosie, and she started to clear away some leaves that was on top of it.

“What do you say?” Evelyn asked Rosie.

“Thank you.” Rosie then said to Sarah.

Rosie was very excited about her new fort. They stayed in the woods for an hour either clearing away the path, exploring, or decorating a fort. On the way back up to the house Rosie wasn’t looking where she was going and tripped over a rock. She cried and cried and Evelyn picked her up. She lifted her jeans up and there was a big cut on the knee.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m going to take to Mama.” soothed Evelyn. And she brought her up to the house. Mama opened the door quickly and took Rosie in her arms. “What happened?” she asked her, but Rosie was crying to hard to say anything. So Evelyn said, “She tripped over a rock.

Mama then sat Rosie on the couch and lifted up her pants. There was an ugly and awful cut on her knee. Mama was very worried and surprised.

“It’s alright, honey. Everything is going to be okay.” she said, and rubbed her back with her on her lap.

Papa soon came inside for a little while. He saw Rosie crying and asked, “What’s the matter sweat heart?”

Mama answered, “She has a big cut.” Papa looked surprised after she said this. And Mama smiled sadly at him. Soon Mama stood up and started to clean Rosie’s cut, but then she realized that the cut was very serious and gasped.

The expression on Mama’s face made Rosie cry even harder. It was a huge and terrible cut, and Mama wiped it with a damp rag very, very gently.

“Ow!” Rosie cried, “don’t hurt it even more badly!”

“I’m so sorry, Rosie, but I have to clean it and get the dirt out.” Mama said, she was very sad that Rosie’s cut had to be so big. Rosie did nothing but cry. Everybody tried to make her stop but nothing worked.

After Mama finally was done cleaning the cut, Rosie begged her to put a band aid on it, but Mama said it was best to leave it and let it have air.

All day Rosie cried cooed, and said, “Ow!” and “O-o-o-oh!” and Mama finally figured out that something was wrong, Rosie should have stopped crying by now, and soon she decided to call the docter.


helene said...

Poor Rosie! I wonder what's going to happen to her???

Anonymous said...

Don't worry! She will be fine.