Monday, November 17, 2008

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen: What Happened on Joey’s Birthday

Today was Joey’s birthday November 9th. When he woke up and someone told him that it was his birthday he was so excited and screamed with joy, and ran around yelling, “It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday!” and people had to respond, “Yes, it’s your birthday.”

“How about some birthday blueberry muffins for a birthday breakfast?” asked Mama with a smile.

“Yay!” he exclaimed. And mama started to get out a big bowl to mix all the ingredients in. He smiled delightedly.

“I wanna help you Mama.” He said looking up at her.

Mama smiled gently and saw how eager he was and let him stir the ingredients in a little bit. Since he was so small, so young, and not strong at all, he just stirred it very lightly and it did nothing really much. But Mama didn’t care she just wanted her little baby to be happy.

When Mama was finished making the muffins and took them out of the oven, the boys smelled them and came inside. They all sat down to the table, prayed grace, and ate breakfast. There were blueberry muffins, milk, eggs, oatmeal, and toast. After a hasty breakfast, the boys went back outside to the animals.

“I like blueberry muffins.” said Joey in his baby voice, but he said blueberry wrong and it was really cute.

“I’m glad, honey.” said Mama with a smile.

Soon Evelyn picked him up and said, “Happy birthday, Sweetie!” Joey was glad to have all the attention from her older sister and smiled brightly. Then Evelyn put him down.

“Let’s go finish our sewing.” said Sarah.

“Yeah, okay.” said Evelyn, and they went upstairs to where all the sewing was. Mama was just washing the dishes from breakfast as always, balancing Charlotte on her hip with her free arm.

After the girls finished sewing, they went outside to visit the horses. When they reached the stables, Evelyn spotted Rose, one of their horses laying down.

Sarah gasped heavily. “Do you think she’s pregnant?” asked Sarah, with wide eyes.

“I think so.” Evelyn said, quietly. And they quickly ran in the house to tell Mama.

“Rose is laying down and we think she’s pregnant!” burst out Sarah as soon as they spotted Mama.

“Oh my goodness!” cried Mama.

“What should we do?” asked Evelyn.

“Well, are you sure that she’s pregnant?” Mama asked.

“Well, if she’s laying down that about sais it.”

“Why don’t you just go check?” suggested Mama.

“Okay.” And with that they ran back outside, excitedly. And when they reached the stables again, yes, it was true, her stomach was bigger than before! And the girls had to go inside over again to tell Mama. After Mama heard that her stomach was bigger she went outside with them to see.

When she saw Rose she looked surprised and hugged her two girls who loved horses very much.

“So, this means she’s pregnant?” asked Sarah, looking up at her Mother. But Mama just smiled, and Sarah knew that meant yes.

“We need to tell Papa. He’s the best with animals. And the boys would like to know too.” said Evelyn.

“You’re right.” said Mama. And soon Evelyn went to tell them. She found all the boys in the dairy, and quickly told the news.

When they heard what happened they were very happy and excited.

“A baby horsy?” cried Joey.

“Yes, honey!” Evelyn told Joey.

“On his birthday too!” said Isaac.

“Papa, is the best thing to do is just let Rose rest?” asked Evelyn.

“Yes, for now.” answered Papa.

Evelyn checked what time it was, and it was lunch time already! And she offered to Joey to make a birthday lunch. And he said, “Yeah!” and she went inside with him. He said he wanted an apple, a special sandwich, and water.

“Okay.” said Evelyn, after he said what he wanted, and she started making it.

All afternoon that day, Evelyn was very happy and excited about the new foal.


Anonymous said...

Aww, lovely Emily!!! It's great!! Keep up the great work!!



helene said...

It's so exciting!
M.C. <33333

Anonymous said...

That's great, Emily! See you really soon!! I can't wait! <3