Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Maederia, Ep. 2

Hey! So here's a bit more.... Not much, but a bit. None of you are in this part of the story....But I'm going to be introducing Bethany and MC in the next episode, hopefully! :) JFYI, I decided to make Scyncrad (the king) have a DAUGHTER rather than a sister, about whom he had the dream. Wait...does that make sense?? I mean he wants to kill his GRANDSON rather than his NEPHEW.

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Lord Mendris slowed his horse to a trot, his startling eyes pools of blue. Icy masks, hiding all feeling and thoughts. It was impossible to decipher what went on behind them.
“Wretched peasant,” he muttered to himself, his voice gruff. “I wish I hadn’t had to scare him so badly, but if I hadn’t, I doubt he’d do as I ordered…”
“And why did you order it?” A clear, high voice questioned, echoing from somewhere in the shadows of the lofty, colorfully dressed trees. Medris spun around in his surprise, nearly toppling off his horse.
“Who’s there? In the name of the King, may he live forever, you’d better tell me!”
“Why did you want your own flesh and blood murdered so mercilessly? Why did you wish for the slaughtering of innocent blood? Do you not remember?”
“Remember what? Who are you? What do you want?” Medris spat, his face red with fury.
“Are you a coward, Mendris?”
“How dare you!” Mendris swung himself off his steed, heaving his heavy, bejeweled sword from its sheath.
“Do you not remember what was done for you at your birth? Have you forgotten?”
“How do you know my name? SHOW YOURSELF!”
“To kill an innocent is a crime too heinous to voice. Much evil and affliction shall befall you for this sin.”
A shadow of fear crossed over Mendris’ dark face. His blue eyes widened.
“But I didn’t kill him! How could I? My own flesh and blood? My cousin's grandchild? Even in a purely practical sense…What if Syncrad was ever to regret murdering his daughter’s child? He is growing old and has still produced no heir. There may come a time when he laments this act. And then who else shall the blame fall upon, but me? I washed my hand of the crime! I gave the child to a herdsman! His fate no longer rests with me!”
“You are right, Mendris. Your fate now rests with him.”
“Who are you, demon? Why do you hide? Reveal yourself!” But no answer came, no matter how loudly or how long Medris called.

* * *

Anaera’s eyes shot open. She was sweaty and pale, her long, curly black hair damp and limpid. She looked down at the bed beside her, expectantly, hopefully. There was nothing there but her own empty arms. She sat up, her hands outstretched.
“The baby!”
A lady-in-waiting was by her side in but a moment.
“Dear Princess, please, you must rest. You are exhausted.”
“No, no. My son, where is he?” Anaera cried, trying to get out of bed.
“Please…you must lie down, your Highness! Do not excite yourself!”
“I want my son.” Anaera’s eyes were wide with fear, her face lost of all color.
“Mabia, go and get the medication,” Kaelos, Anaera’s old nurse, now lady-in-waiting and long time companion, shoved the younger girl away, frowning at her. “Here, dear one, lie down.” She gently pushed Anaera back onto the bed. She then pulled a chair close to the bed and smiled kindly at the princess.
“I brought you some soup. Eat some, it's your favorite.”
“Thank you, I’m not hungry. Kaelos, I want my baby, please! I just want my baby.”
“Anaera, you must eat. It was a strenuous labor….full of difficulties…”
“Kaelos, you must tell me, as a friend… Where is my son? Please…” Anaera’s eyes peered beseechingly into Kaelos’ round, slightly wrinkled face. “My child…”
"Here, dear Princess, eat your soup."
“Kaelos! Tell me. Is he dead?” Anaera’s face was deathly white with fear and apprehension. A dark shadow crept over Kaelos’ face as well, her eyes revealing not only fear, but doubt and guilt. She hesitated.
“Yes," it seemed difficult for her to utter the small word. "Yes, dear one. He is dead. He was ... stillborn.”
“No, no, please. It can’t be! ...I heard him cry! I know I did.”
Kaelos’ eyes widened. She shook her head.
“You were suffering the heavy pains of labor, you were under the influence of heavy medication…You must have imagined it.”
“No, I swear I heard him crying, Kaelos.” Anaera put out supplicating arms. “I know he was alive!”
At that moment, Mabia returned with a steaming cup. Kaelos quickly took it from her, gesturing for her to leave. She looked down at the young Princess and mourning mother. Tears sparkled in the old woman's eyes as she leaned over her.
“Here, drink this, Princess, it will help you rest, and take the pain away,” quickly Kaelos poured the hot liquid down Anaera’s throat. Moments later, the princess was deep asleep.

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Kaelos - KAY - lohs


helene said...

It's so great! It's so sad and sweet.

helene said...

Excelent, Anna!:)

Anonymous said...

Oops! That was me.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's wonderful! The poor mother! She must feel SO sad. :(

Anna said...

thanks guys!!
