Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Nina Starts to Help

"Hello Nina." said Arena, "nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too. Your little friend told me all about you." Nina said to her, sweetly.
Arena laughed and said, "I bet he did."
"Now little chipmunk, why do you bring your friend to me?" asked Nina.
He answered, "Because she needs help Nina. You see she is lost, and I was wondering if you could help her get back to her home."
Nina smiled a big smile and cried, "Why of course I can help you!"
"Oh, that's wonderful!" exclaimed Arena, she was very, very happy.
"All I need to know is where you live." said Nina, with a smile still on her face.
"That's easy," Arena replied, "I live in a huge oak tree that is far away from here, but is different from all the other oak trees."
"Hmmm, I see. But before we start on our journey, I should fix you two up some lunch. It's one o'clock already."
The chipmunk smiled and said, "Good, I'm hungry." So Arena helped Nina pick some berries from outside and cut bread.
After lunch and packing, they set on their journey.
"Now, you said you live in a big oak tree that is different from the others. Then we should walk up north, it isgoing to take a log while, but it'll be worth it." Nina told Arena.

1 comment:

helene said...

It's fantastic!!!!!