Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Davis Family

Chapter One: Summer Family life

The Davis Family lived in a pretty, beige, white trimmed house in New Hampshire on a farm. They had apple orchards and sunflowers. They had cows, beatiful, strong horses, fluffy feathered chickens and they shared a whole flock of sheep with their cousins.
Evelyn, their oldest, thirteen years old, ran through the soft wet grass, and knelt down next to a berry bush, and picked some blueberries.
After a little while, her two yoinger sisters came outside. Their names were Sarah and Rosie. Rosie was three, and Sarah was ten. They saw their Papa and brothers working very hard in the barn. Their brothers in the barn were eleven and twelve, and their names were Samuel and Isaac. They were very strong and hard working like their Papa.
Mama was inside making breakfast. She had cheeks like roses, and curly black hair.

The other little ones were still asleep; and their names and ages were: Jack aged eight, Joey aged one, and Charlotte aged four and a half onths. Mama just then heard Charlotte whaling from upstairs; she quickly stopped making breakfast and went upstairs. As she got Charlotte out of her crib, she saw the the others awake, and told them to come downstairs. Then Mama went with Charlotte in her arms, and finsished breakfast. She called everyone to eat, while putting berries, crea, orange juice, and oatmeal on the table.


helene said...

What a lovely story, Emily! I can't wait to read your next post of The Davis Family!

Kateri said...

Beautiful, Emily! Very good! what I like is most is how well you describe everything. I can't wait for more!

Emily Froula said...

Thank you, Kateri!

Bethany G. said...

Nice! How old are you? I'm ten and a half.