Sunday, October 12, 2008

Endings and Beginings

How do you start and end your stories? With a happy beginning but bittersweet ending? Or with a sad beginning and a happy ending? Or maybe you do a happy beginning and a happy ending?

Usually I do a sad beginning, and finish it off with a happy ending. I always find ending so hard to do! I find it's hard to end a story you've been working on for ages and ages. I drive everyone crazy by taking forever to finally end them!


Emily Froula said...

I begin the happy, and end them happy, too. Sometimes I write sad parts in the middle of the story though.

helene said...

The book Evelyn and I wrote started out happy, and had a bittersweet ending. There were many sad events and exciting thrills in the middle, though!

Bethany G. said...

I have not ever ended a chapter book....... I have wrote a six page story for school though, I'm thinking of making it into a like, five chapter book though, or maby like 12 short short chapters.