Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another Chapter of Kateri's Story

Here's some more! Uhhh am I hogging this blog? I'll slow down, ok?

*WARNING* this chapter MENTIONS a KISS.

Chapter 8: The Bet

"If Sarah wins, does she get the money? Tis' nearly a hundred crowns!" cried Johnny

"I don't know..." said Old Buck "I don't think so. Don't seem fair seeing how she didn't bet any."

Sarah took a sudden lead.

"Blast it!" murmured Jamison. Sarah let out a giggle as she won the next hand. Jamison cast her a glare, as he shuffled the cards. He shuffled them so angerly Sarah thought he might rip the deck in half.

"Come now, Jamie" said Skinner "Don't let pretty little Sarah get you down."

"Don't call me Jamie! How many times do I have to say that? If you do it one more more time, I'll have you walk the plank. As for this blasted game of cards, I'm not letting it get me down. Now be quite all of ya, and let me think!"

"If I win.." said Sarah timidly "Please, may I win the money?"

"Only if you offer something just as valuable." said Old Buck

"But I haven't got anything!" cried Sarah reaching for a card.

"Ask Jamison, tis' up to him. And its not my money to win, but his." sighed Sarah

Jamison slammed his fist down on the table. "You don't have anything I want." he said passing out the cards again "So, no, you can't win the money."

"Hey!" called Johnny Terror "She has something I want!"

"And what in blazes could that be?" asked Jamison throwing down his cards.

"A kiss from the fair lady."

Sarah's cheeks grew hot. No! Never!

Jamison fingered the deck of cards, thinking.

"Alright, alright." he said casting Sarah a wicked grin "That's a bet I'll take."

Sarah felt sick suddenly. "You win, you get all the gold, every last piece." said Jamison "But if I win, well, you know what you owe me. Lets play!"

Now Sarah had to win. Kiss Jamison? "I'd rather throw myself into the sea then kiss Jamison Dread!"

All the pirates were rooting loudly for Jamison now. Sarah was angry and getting stressed out.

Finelly, at last, Sarah began to fully win. Slapping down a final card to win the game.

"Blast it!" yelled Jamison

"Whew!" breathed Sarah, too relived at the propect of not having to kiss Jamison to notice much.

Sarah's win brought jeers from the crew.

"Jamison lost to Sarah! Hahaha!"

"Ah, whatever, you win some you loose some." Said Jamison standing up and pushing the gold at Sarah.

"Hang in there, Jamie!" said Johnny slapping him on the back "You'll get her yet."

Jamison just shook his head. "You're gonna want to put that in a safe place." said Jamison pointing to the gold.

Sarah nodded too amazed at what had just happened to do much.


Anna said...

No way, you're not hogging the blog!! DON'T SLOW DOWN!!! ;)

Hehehe, this one was GREAT. how awful if she had lost!! O_o great job!! post more as soon as you can!

Kateri said...

hehe, ok, Anna! ;)

Yeah, I know, wouldn't you hate to loose that card game? lol. More coming later.

Anna said...

hate to lose it? Lol, I would DIE if I lost it. ;)

Emily Froula said...

I'd die if I lost it, too!! But I think your pirate story is very cool, Kateri! B)