Saturday, December 20, 2008

more in the search of elves

Hi'ya guys! Ok, I've got a question, do you want me to keep posting In The Search of Elves here or at my new cool blog for it. Here are the facts.

In The Search of Elves is really really really long. And, it is, I find, hard to read little bit by little bit, its a much a better story if you can really read it like a book. Also, I could start posting a new story of mine here, I stopped posting In The Search of Elves here.

You are up to Part 13. So, if you want to read it over at my blog, just click Part Thirteen over in the archives and read away! I post more almost every day.

So, tis' your choice, where do you want me to post it from now on? I don't care, I'll do whatever you think is best! :)

Elsa looked around, nervous, and ready to jump up and run if she had to. She cast a glance at her sleeping Grandfather, then, she heard the noise again, this time though, it was different. It sounded like a voice, only a little different. It was a thick gruff voice.

"Hello." it growled

Elsa backed away. "Who, who, are you?"

The voice came from beyond the fire, in the thick darkness. "You may call me Jagen." said the voice.

Who ever it was, was not a human, not with a voice like that. Yet Elsa knew it could not a Crelis. Such a thick voice, so...strong, and powerful.

"What are you?" asked Elsa daringly, casting another look at her Grandfather. Should she wake him?

"Come closer, and you will see me." answered the voice.

"I don't, I really think I want to come closer." said Elsa nervously

There was a sound of laughter. A thick rumbly laughter. "I won't hurt you, so long as you don't hurt me, and you don't seem like the kind of creature who would cause me pain. But very well, since you won't come to me, then I shall come you."

Elsa jumped up, her skirts falling about her.

A slick, dark form appeared from behind the fire. A panther. A lean black panther.

"Oohhh!!" breathed Elsa "You, you, can talk?"

"Yes." purred the cat.

"But you're an animal!"

"Any animal who wants to talk, can talk. But it takes years of practice, and even then as you can see with me, our voices are not as good as yours."

"I didn't know anybody lived here in the Still Woods, at least, I haven't met anyone since we've been here. And we've been traveling for days!"

"It is true, nobody lives here. It is just an empty place. An empty place one must travel through. Now, may I ask where a little girl like you is going?"

"Well... I don't think I can tell you. Well, then again, maybe I can. You aren't Inarian are you?"

"No! Never! I am Median through and through, my lady."

"Oh good! As am I!" then Elsa lowered her voice "We were slaves, my Grandfather and I, but we escaped, and now, now, we're looking for the Elves." she paused making her voice even lower "For war."

Jagen thought it all through, then sighed a happy sigh. "Ah, at last. Your race has suffered long enough. And I am very tired of hiding. Ah, at last the time as dawned for war. I wish you all the luck in the world, my little friend."

"Thank you, by any chance do you know where the elves could be? Because, well, we really haven't the slightest idea."

"I'm afraid don't. I've never in my life met an elf. But if I were you, I'd try the Almeron mountains and beyond. Or maybe even the Tharks mountains. The Fallerin woods wouldn't be a bad place to look either, in fact it would be a very good place to try indeed. Ah, well, that gives you places to look."

"Thank you." said Elsa "Even that helps. Seeing how my Grandfather and I have never even left the slave village once."

"I'd best be going now." purred Jagen slowly "It is never safe for a talking panther to talk too long in this world of evil. I wish you, and your Grandfather, the best of luck. May you find the elves! And also, if it does all come down to war, I am willing to fight at anytime. Leave word with somebody, just about everyone knows me, and I'll come. May luck be with you, little friend!"

Then, quick as he had come, Jagen the panther slipped off into the dark, heading North.


Emily Froula said...

Wow!! How exciting!!!

And I want you DEFINITLY to post In the Search Of Elves on your other cool blog! It's so cool! And I want you to post your pirate story here.

Anna said...

hey! yeah I think you might as well post it on your new blog!! Most definitely! :)


helene said...

I think you should post it on your new blog, too!

Kateri said...

Ok! Then that'll be the plan!!! TTYL everyone!