Friday, December 19, 2008

Revising, rewriting, redoing

Hey Everyone!!

First off, sorry I haven't been posting much in the last while! I hate to say that I'll probably be posting even less for a while. I'm going to try and redo Elvaeria. It just doesn't seem right to me! It's not at all how I had planned it to be, and now I'm going to rewrite practically all of it and take it in a rather different direction. It will probably be a while before I post any of it, because I want to have a sizable amount written before I start posting it again, you know?

Sorry guys, especially to the people who never even got to be in the story!! :(

I have hundreds and hundreds of (what I think) are simply great story ideas, and I really want to start writing all of them right now, hehe, but we'll see!! There may be a few new stories posted on here soon, but then again there might not, because I don't want to put a lot of time in other stories while neglecting the ones I already have going!! You know what I mean?

Well, ciao for now!




Anonymous said...

Ohhh!! Really?!? Ok! :) Don't worry, I'm the queen of quitting and starting over! Hehehe!

helene said...

That's fine if you want to redo it and make it better, I've done that a million times!!!!!!

Emily Froula said...

Yeah, Anna! That's okay if you want to re-write it! There's plenty of people here who (including me) have been re-writing stories a million times!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, do whatever you want with Elvaeria! It's totally fine!

Anna said...

thanks guys!! I hope when I'm all done it will be a tone better...

Lots of love!
