Monday, December 15, 2008

Elvaeria, Ep 8

Okay guys, here is some of Elvaeria. To be completely honest, I really dislike this chapter. It just doesn't seem very well written. =/ Anyway, tell me what you think!!

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The Council Room was an immense, circular room. Like all Elvin buildings, it was created entirely from bender, twisted, or carved wood and decorated with everlasting flowers and leaves and other beauties of nature.

As Kateri, Emily and Vaerizanda entered through the wide, arched doorway, the saw before them the entire Council of Elders. These were the finest of elves, aged, experienced, wise and just. Some had spent their entire lives studying, learning, and training just to have the chance to be a member of this ancient order. Others had gained their knowledge not from books, but through life, having experienced much as either warriors or adventurers. All were respected equally and admired greatly.

Standing before the group of Elves, Emily and Kateri could not help but feel small and insignificant. But they both knew they had much to explain and even more to reveal, Kateri most of all.

“Thou come’st before the Council of Elders to enlighten us with the events thou hast experienced through this day, Princess Kateri, Princess Emily. Honored One, thou may feel free to tell us your part in this tale, or thou may simply watch and listen. We would feel honored if thou wouldst join us at the Table of Elders.”
“Thank you, Wise Ones, I would be honored to join you. But first, I must tell my part in the story, though I wish to go last of all.”
“Let it be so, then,” the tall, striking elf who had spoken before said, inclining his head. “Now, Princess Kateri, please tell us your tale.”

“Early this morning, Emily and I decided to travel out of the Kingdom of the Elves, to hunt for some Melra berries for the grand festival this evening. We had just found such a lovely, full patch of berries as never before was seen, when suddenly, we heard voices…Human voices,” Kateri said, continuing, “We peeked through the branches, and we saw a noblemen, holding a bundle in his arms, and a poor peasant. The nobleman threatened the peasant with death if he did not take the bundle and kill what was in it….a baby! Emily and I know the grave sin of killing an innocent, and we knew we had to do all we could to protect it. We thought it would be simple enough, for the man was to simply leave the babe in a clearing. We were going to take the baby, once he left him somewhere, and bring it to a loving home of humans.”

As Kateri told her story, the Elders faces showed no change in expression, but Emily’s face seemed to go through all the emotions. Sometimes, she looked frightened, others, excited, sometimes, angry, and other times sad. But as Kateri drew her story to a close, not only did Emily’s face shone with amazement, but so did all the faces of the Elders.
“The Lithos Athanatos?” the Elders cried, disbelief, incredulity echoing through all their voices.
“Show us,” the eldest of the Elders, Mecaezer, said, leaning on the edge of the table, his eyes squinting, so as better to see.
Kateri had carried the stone with her since she found it, unable to let it out of her sight. Now, she drew it from the sack slung tight around her waste.

A hushed, astonished murmur ran through the group of Elders as they watched this.
“Bring it to me,” Mecaezer said, his voice low, reaching out his hand for the large, round stone.
Nervously, Kateri brought the stone to the Table of Elders. All waited in silence until she placed the stone in the hands of Mecaezer, and then slowly back away.
Laying the stone onto the center of the table around which the Elders sat, Mecaezer closed his eyes, placing his hands over the stone. Silently, his lips moving rapidly, he uttered words in a language unknown to any but the wisest of all elves, the language of the White Elves. The stone glowed, turning soft blue, and then fading to a pale pink, the pink slowly turning brighter and brighter until it glowed brilliantly red.
“There can be no doubt,” Mecaezer said, opening his eyes. “This is the Lithos Athanatos.”


helene said...

Oh, Anna! How could you ever think this was not well written! It's so wonderful! I can't wait for more. ;D

Lucia said...

It's amazing, Anna!! And, like Mary-Catherine said, how could you say this is not well written???

Please post more soon! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oops! I wrote that comment above!

Kateri said...

I agree with the others! This is very good! Extremely exciting too! :)<3 BFF TTYL