Sunday, December 14, 2008

More of Kateri's Pirate Story

Here's another chapter. By the way, this is a little gory, it was a lot worse, but I cut out the worst parts. ;) Tell me what you think! :)

Chapter 12: The Raid

Sarah still did like or trust Jamison the slightest bit. But she found she did not hate him, and she really was beginning to feel sorry for Jamison. But still, she could not find it in herself to forgive him.

They had been at sea for over three months now, each day feeling like a year to Sarah.

One afternoon, Daniel Plank gave a shout from the crow's nest.

"Ship ahoy!"

This brought an excited crowd onto the deck, all the crew peering into the misty sea trying to spot the ship.

"Gimmie that spy glass!" thundered the captain, snatching it from Mitch Snarle. He looked through for a moment. then handed it to Jamison. "tell me who you think it is, lad."

Jamison looked through it. "Red sails, sir. Sails as red as blood. Who could it be but Bloody Bill and his crew?"

This brought shouts from the Ransom's crew.

"We'll raid them today then?" asked David Rock

"That we will." said the Captain greedily. "Men, prepare yourselves for battle!"

In minutes, the whole ship changed. Sarah stood in a corner watching, terrified. The crew became a horrific sight, and she didn't like looking at them. Cutlasses, guns, daggers, and clubs, all well used, appeared and were readied. The great cannons were prepared, and the sails were raised, taking the Ransom straight toward Bloody Bill.

The two ships moved closer and closer. Captain Frite stood in the bow, bellowing threats and cheering on his crew to get ready. Jamison stood on deck keeping an eye on Bill's ship and keeping his crew under control. As they got closer, Bloody Bill's crew could be heard yelling foul things, the Ransom's crew answered back just as harshly. Sarah blocked her ears.

Then, there was a still silence as the two ships got into each other's range, suddenly, Jamison gave a yell, "Fire!" And the battle began.

David Rock and Johnny Terror began to fire the huge cannons. The whole world felt like it was shaking. Sarah blocked her ears again, and knelt in the corner, hiding behind the empty crates. There was no end to the terrible noise. Sarah didn't know who was winning, or what was really going on.

There was the everlasting yelling, and the thunder of cannons. Smoke filled the air, making it hard to breath, and making Sarah's eyes water.

Then, there was the sound of splintering wood. The Ransom had hit its target. Jamison gave a yell for his crew to clear out Bloody Bill's ship quickly.

"Loot it! But, blast it, be quick! Quick!"

There came savage yells from both ships. Sarah peeked out from behind the boxes and watched the Ransom's crew invade Bloody Bill's ship. Mitch Snarle got aboard first. fighting off several of Bill's crew, he tossed down more ropes, letting more members aboard.

Jamison quickly and skillfully shimmied up the ropes, and soon disappeared into Bloody Bill's cabin to loot it out.

Sarah watched the fight, horrified at the violence. It seemed they were no longer humans, but beasts. She covered her eyes, trying to block the awful sights out, but she could still hear it. The yelling, metal hitting metal, cannons blasting, guns firing, people cursing, and the terrible cries of pain...

Then, as quick as it had began, it ended, for Bloody Bill's ship was very close to sinking. The Ransom's crew immediately left it, their arms, bags, and pockets full of loot. They were bloody, tired, but clearly happy.

Sarah watched as the ship sunk below the sea, drowning everyone who was left alive on board it. Sarah felt sick.

How could somebody enjoy this horror?


Emily Froula said...

I think it's excellent, Kateri! :) You discrbe everything so well! I wish I was like that! ;)

helene said...

Wow, yeah!

Anna said...

Yikes, how awful it would be to witness that! I agree, excellent. Your description are very good!! Post more.



Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks guys! Emily, you do an amazing job with your writing. At your age, I could never do what you are doing now! :)

Glad you like it!
