Thursday, December 18, 2008

More Of Our Princess Story!

Here's some more of me and Juliette's story! Hope yah like it! Please tell us what you think!

"Yes, very." said Bell, her teeth chattering. Then mother laughed, and the two stepped into the parlor and sat down together on one of the couches.

Suddnely, a huge filthy hand apeared from behind the couch. It covered Bell's mouth, as she struggled to scream.

"No!" cried her mother, but she was too late, the man escaped outside with her.

Her mother was half sad, half happy, because she could do what she wanted to do in her whole life, steal the poor's money that was given from Bell. And so she did it right away, happily. She din't care hopw sad they were or how they couldn't aford a thing, she loved money too much for that. If Bell heard what happned she would be the mist sadest and angriest girl on earth.

The man brought Bell into the woods where he threw her against a tree. Bell screamed in pain and shouted, "Who are you? What are you doing to me?"

"Well, first of all, I think you'd know what a man would do with a princess! And second of all, my name's Mr. Willams! Now be quiet or else I'll kill you!" Mr. Willams shouted.

"Yes, Mr. Willams. But I don't know what a man would do with a princess." said Bell, more frghtened than ever. But she felt so barve saying that.

"Then you'll just have to find out! And what did I say?" then Bell was silent the rest of the day. She just wondered what men really did to princesses. Did they kill them? She really hoped not. She just wished Mr. Willams would tell her. And she wished she was back home with her mother. Didn't she have enough sadness in her life already?
She felt like dying rather than deal with this guy. Fir her whole life except then, she was happy with father and mother at home. But since her father left everything was horrible. Her mother started steeling and wouldn't let Bell go outside and now she was captured.

Soon it was evening and Bell fell asleep with no dinner for the second time ina row! You would think that would never happen to a princess.

In the morning Bell awoke to a shout from Mr. Willams: "Get up, girl! I wouldn't be sleeping if I were you!"


helene said...

Oh, poor Bell!

Kateri said...

Once again, I think this is great, and well written. I've seen you and Jooge spend forever writing it sentence by sentence over the PHONE! I could never, in a million years, have the patience to do that.

<3<3<3 TTYL

Kateri said...

Oh yes, by the way, Bell's Mother is simply... horrible!!

Emily Froula said...

I know she is! It is hard to write a story with someone on the phone! And Jooge STILL didn't catch up with me on this story! im on page 19, and she's probably on page 8!!!
I guess I should slow down, TOTALLY!!

Well, anyway, more coming soon! <3 <3<3