Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chapter 24!!!!

Chapter 24:

The Indian ladies took Sarah by the hand, and shoved her outside. The minute Sarah went out, a group of warriors began beating drums loudly. They then picked up Sarah, and sat her in a golden chair, they hoisted it to their shoulders and started to carry her up a dirt path through the forest.

All the people from the village came up behind them, forming a long time behind Sarah. Women tossed flowers from baskets and sang sad mournful songs, while men beat on drums. The songs were song in the Indian language and were sad, yet somehow, also sweet.

The path started to head upward, onto hilly ground. Sarah was nervous, yet curious. What were they doing?

Jamison fought wildly, dodging blows, and trying to get at the Captain. Captain Frite was beginning to tire. Jamison lunged forward and stabbed him in the leg. This made the angry Captain loose his balance. Then, Jamison saw his chance as Captain Frite rose to his feet.

"To the death, Captain, to the death!" he yelled, bringing his sword down into Frite's chest.

The Indians marched on through the forest, still singing and beating drums. Ahead lay a large hill, much taller then the others. Leading up to it was a set of stone steps, the steps led up to a large stone table.

Then, it struck Sarah. The Table was an alter. An alter for giving sacrifices to their gods.

And she, Sarah, was their sacrifice.

"Who's the fool now?" asked Jamison standing over the dying Captain. Frite didn't answer, just moaned, then he slowly whispered.

"You have won...You are the Captain of the Ransom now... I have died a pirate's death..."

And then, he breathed no more. Jamison watched not sure how to feel or act. He cleaned his sword and put it into its sheath.

"Come on men!" he called "We're not leaving yet! We won't leave till we know what's happened to Sarah."

The Indians marched up the stone steps. The singing grew louder. Sarah wanted to scream. They reached the table, and lowered the chair. At once they tied her hands, and put a gag into her mouth.

"They're going to kill me right now." thought Sarah

"Groups! Into groups men!" called Jamison "Slip out and search this jungle! If you find her, return to the beach and signal us. Now go! Go!" He yelled, grabbing Johnny as his partner.

Sarah lay upon the cold stone. Waiting. But they did not kill her yet. The Chief stood above her, yelling praises to the god. And then, there was singing and dancing, and more praising, then, little offering of fruit and small animals.

Sarah watched all this horrified and scared. Soon it would be time for the biggest offering of all. And that was her. This all seemed to take hours, and indeed it did take an hour or two, Sarah was going wild with fear, knowing she had only so long to live.

The Indians lit a huge fire around the alter. The heat was unbearable and the smoke was thick. Then the villagers took of their golden finery and threw it all into the flames, then bowed before it singing.

"Look! Up there!" said Johnny pointing "Smoke!"

"You're right." said Jamison "And its too far away..."

They soon found a path, and followed it quickly through the forest. It led them to the Indian village.

"There's Indians on this island?" questioned Johnny "I never knew..."

"Quick! Lets search it!" said Jamison.

They found it empty of course. then they noticed the flickering of flames up on the hill ahead of them.

"The fire up on that hill..." said Jamison "I bet they're killing her right now if they haven't already..."


helene said...

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! This is so horrifying!!!!!

Emily Froula said...

Wow! Wow! I hope they save her soon! Poor Sarah!

Oh, how loving Jamison is! <3 lol

Anonymous said...

I love you, Jamison!

Juliette said...

Who was that?!?!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! Jamison! Come rescue me!!! Help!