Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here is a new story I'm writeing

Chapter 1: But I don't wont to!

Clare sat dawn in the shade of a big apple tree looking down at her flowers that she had picked.

Clare was 15 and had one little sister and her name was Grace. Clare had long thick locks of gold curls and light blue eyes, she was very pretty. Every boy wanted to court her but she was not interested in that although her mother was urging her to, she just loved to be alone and run in the meadows in her bare feet and pick flowers+

and put them in a vase in the kitchen and when winter came she would sit by the fire and knit a scarf or something like that. In the fall she would pick apples from the apple tree and make them into applesauce and give it to the poor and keep a bit to give to Grace.

She took many wild roses and some tulips to give to the poor and then she took some sun flowers and some violets to keep for the kitchen. She took the one for the poor and then called to her mother telling her she was going to give the poor some flowers. Then she was on her way dawn the dirt road to town were the poor spent the time begging at people’s doors for food and some shelter from the rain.

She came to the town it was a little town but Clare always thought it was cozy looking. She came to a family they looked so dirty and were all smudged up they looked so hungry and sad! She took the flowers out and then she took a crust of bread out of the pocket and said “I’m so sorry do not have much to give but I do hope this will help you family” she gave the bread and flowers to there father. “How can we thank you” there father said his voice quiet “Your thanks is just fine” she said smiling dawn at the littlest. She gave a wave and started back to her home.

Someone tapped on the shoulder "Do you court anyone yet?" a old lady said “No” she answered biting her lip not knowing what the lady was getting to. “I have a grandson who would like you” the lady said taking Clare’s hand and pulling her toward a store. Clare didn’t know what to say she hoped she did not have to court him who ever he was.

They came inside the store and behind the counter was a young man “this is my grandson” said the old lady :his name is Mark and I hope you like him because your mother does and she says that he would be a great man for you to marry and I hope you like her Mark but I’m sure you will because she is a pretty little girl” Clare didn’t know what to say she just swallowed and stared at Mark. He had brown hair and brown eyes and he had a kind look on his face and no one could say that he was not handsome but Clare didn’t want to marry him and Clare was sure he didn’t want to either. She quickly ran out of the store and ran dawn the dirt rode into the meadow and she flung herself dawn into the fresh green grass she was sure she would never want to court anyone! Then she thought about it a bit more what if he did want to court her? the lady said that she was "a pretty little girl" she hoped he didn't want to for she didn't want to then she said to herself "I do not want to court him so I should do what I want not what my mother and his grandmother want" She felt a bit better now and felt as if she had chosen the rite thing.

Days later she didn't no weather she had chosen the right thing or not and when ever she thought of Mark she just bit her lip and wished she could see him agent just to talk to him a bit.

One day she her mother said Clare needed a new hat and a dress so then she told Clare to go to town and fined a dress that she liked and a hat to match.

Clare came into town and saw a store where she would look for a new dress and hat. She went in and behind the counter was Mark! she took a deep breath well she had wished to see him agent and now she had but what if he reorganised her? of course he would it had only been three days! He looked at her and then said "How may I help you miss" Clare was surprised she had thought he would ask her to take a drive or to start talking about himself! but he was just acting like she was a normal customer! so she had to asked normal so she said "I am here to by a new dress and a new hat" her voice was very quiet "Well what cooler?" Mark asked "well...she stammered could I see what you have?" "sure miss" and he led her into a room witch was full of cloth but she did not have to look long because thesecant they came in there she saw a cloth witch was pink and had red flowers scattered all over it. She gently took it dawn and said "how much is this?" Mark looked at it for a wail and then said "you can have it all for free" she looked at him and said "I have to pay something my mother would not let me and I wont to pay" "you can pay for the hat but the cloth for the dress you have for free" "all rite I will by the hat" Clare said stunned by how he had given it to her for free. He brought her into another room and said ''This is the hat that matches the dress" the hat looked just like the dress and it had a velvet ribbon around it.


helene said...

Oh, how lovely, Juliette!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Juliette said...

You know I think I should make her 18 so she not 15

Emily Froula said...

Oh, ok. ;)

I love it, Jooge! Post more soon! :D <3