Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jamison to the Rescue!!! (Chap.25)

Chapter 25:

"You are given great honor." said the Chief slowly, as he stood over Sarah "Few are chosen to be given to Malia, goddess of beauty. Only most beautiful girl chose."

Sarah struggled in her ropes. She was close to crying. But she would not cry, she told herself, she would be brave.

"You will die by knife." said the Indian "The knife of life and death."

Sarah shuddered.

Johnny and Jamison ran as fast as they could up the rocky land to the hill. When they reached the top, they came to a sudden stop. Hundreds and hundreds of Indians were bowing, face down it the dirt, in front of a huge stone table with a sort of stone roof over it. All around the table was a ring of fire, and on the table, tied, was Sarah. And standing above Sarah was an evil looking warrior, holding a huge knife just over her.

"How in blazes are we going to get in there?" asked Johnny

Jamison looked it over quickly. "Just follow me..."

Jamison stepped carefully behind the bowing Indians, and around behind the hill.There was a large dead tree, in the ground behind the alter. Jamison started to clime up the trunk, then swung up onto one of the giant branches. One of the branches extended over the flames, toward the roof over the table. Jamison swung onto the roof, and looked down at the table below.

The Indian was chanting something is his language with his eyes closed. Then all at once he gave a yell to the warriors, who at immediately began beating their drums. It was a fast scary marching beat.

The Indian chief raised his hand holding the knife. He smiled. Then in a single movement was about to bring it down into Sarah's chest, but Jamison was quicker.

Jamison jumped off the roof, landing on top of the Chief. He pulled away the knife from his hands, and pushed the Indian off the table.

"Up here!" called Johnny from the roof. He tossed down a long lengh of rope for them to clime. "Quick! We need to get out of here! They're going to be really mad at us..."

Jamison picked up Sarah and Johnny pulled them up onto the roof. They turned to look below them, expecting to see the crowd of mad Indians trying to run through the flames to attack them. But the Indians weren't.

All of villagers just stood staring and the trio. Then, they all at once bowed. And one of the drummers cried out, "It is the gods! The god of strengh!" he cried pointing at Jamison "And the goddess of good luck!" he said pointing at Sarah.

Sarah and Jamison looked at each other, and started to laugh. Well, this was better then being attacked.

"Hey! What about me?" demanded Johnny "Who am I?"

The Indians were quite for minute and starred at him closely. Then they gasped and drew away.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! It is the devil!" They screamed gesturing at Johnny Terror.

Johnny groaned.

While the tribe shrieked with excitement and fear over the "gods" and the "devil", they escaped into the jungle. As they ran down the path, Sarah explained all that had happened.

When they got to the beach, they lit a huge fire, signaling to the crew. It wasn't long before the Ransom's men came back.

"We'll leave tomorrow, men." announced Jamison after dinner.

"Aye, aye, Captain Jamie!" called Skinner

Sarah turned to Jamison. "Captain?"

"Aye." answered Jamison grinning.

"Well, what happened to old Frite?"

Jamison shrugged. "He lost a sword fight, that's all."

"To whom?"

"The first mate." replied Jamison smiling.


Emily Froula said...

Wow! How stressful! Thank you Jamison! You saved Sarah's life! :D

Really good, Kateri! :) Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Aww thank you!!! (now, i need to go read your story!) <3

helene said...

I love it when they think Johnny is the devil! lol

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! That was funny to write. I love writing about Johnny...he's so funny! ;)